An Evening of Football with David Moyes

Oct 31, 2019 | Events

Over 90 guests enjoyed an evening of football with special guest speaker David Moyes at Shrewsbury Town Football Club, co-hosted by ourselves and Kingsland Wealth Management.  The dinner was a charity event raising funds for The Harry Johnson Trust and SANDS (stillbirth and neonatal death charity).  During the course of the evening we held a silent auction for a framed 2018/19 Manchester City Domestic Treble Winning Shirt signed by Pep Guardiola, which was kindly donated by the League Managers Association, and played a “Higher or Lower” game.

The evening was a great success raising just over £1,800 for our two charities thanks to the generosity of our guests.

Here are a few photos from the evening…

Football event Football event evening Aidy with David Moyes Enjoying a football event evening Football event evening Aidy and David Moyes


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