Dyke Yaxley’s Run Club take on Chirk Relays

Aug 20, 2019 | Uncategorized


Dyke Yaxley’s weekly Run Club is going from strength to strength, the firm entered five teams into the Chirk Castle Relays on the 15 August.

The five teams of three runners each tackled the two mile, cross-country course around the Chirk Castle grounds.

The teams were cheered on by supporters and some of their fellow colleagues.

Dyke Yaxley were thrilled to enter a total of fifteen employees and to announce that most departments were represented.

Chirk Castle was a beautiful setting and although the run was tough everyone finished with big smiles on their faces.

Dyke Yaxley’s Run Club are looking forward to the next relay event.

Well done Team Dyke Yaxley!


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