Flexibility pays off for companies

Mar 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

One in four workers would be willing to take a pay cut in return for being given more flexible working hours by their bosses, a new survey has revealed.

Companies which respond to these changing lifestyle attitudes will be best placed to keep staff motivated, and hang onto the top employees.

“The report by the Centre For The Modern Family makes for very interesting reading,” said Dyke Yaxley’s HR Manager, Keith Higgins.

“It shows that workers are increasingly positive about introducing more flexible working practices to give them a better work-life balance – but that many employers are reluctant to change.

“This could be the perfect time for companies to look at changes to their employee benefits packages. Happier workers tend to be healthier workers, and productivity usually increases as a result.

“The opportunity to work flexible hours could also be a major advantage for a business when the time comes for it to expand and recruit.”

Keith added: “The survey found that one in five workers without children felt parents received better support when it came to flexible working arrangements.

“It also revealed that half of employers are offering flexibility for mothers with young children.

“But while companies often feel they are being very positive about introducing more flexible working policies, staff don’t often share the view.”

Keith said: “The demands and expectations of the modern-day workforce is very different to that of 15 or 20 years ago.
“If companies offered a lower salary in return for more flexible working hours, they may be surprised at just how many workers take up the option.

“The survey shows that there are clearly big benefits to be had for companies which are able to offer flexible shift patterns, without damaging their efficiency or productivity.”

Human Resources Manager, Keith Higgins

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