Fund-raising flurry for accountants

Nov 10, 2016 | Uncategorized

We’ve a busy month for fund-raising events coming up, raising much-needed cash for our chosen charities the Severn Hospice and the Lingen Davies Cancer Appeal. 

Our latest activity was a cake sale with a Halloween and Bonfire Night theme, DY’s Marketing Co-ordinator, Jackie Young said: “We raised over £111 by baking and selling a huge selection of cakes, and everyone really entered into the spirit of the theme with some amazing creations.”

The team isn’t stopping there either – this month we are taking part in the Severn Hospice “Store Wars” initiative. 

“We’ll be taking over the Hospice’s Wyle Cop branch in Shrewsbury on Saturday, 19th November and our staff will be working hard to see how much income we can generate on the day.

“We’ll be taking in donations of clothes and other items, sorting them and helping to organise displays in the store, as well as selling Christmas cards and raffle tickets – all in a bid to raise as much money as possible for such a great cause.”

Dyke Yaxley is renowned for its support for local causes and every year the team takes part in all kinds of activities including a poker night, quiz night, several cake sales, a badminton tournament, Christmas jumper day and a raffle with a giant Easter egg as the top price.

“Everyone is always so generous with their time and their support, and we’re just very grateful that our efforts motivate so many people to contribute towards our fund-raising total.”

Dyke Yaxley Marketing Co-ordinator Jackie Young and Managing Director Laurie Riley celebrate the successful charity cake sale, together with some of the tasty treats created by the very imaginative DY staff





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