Hannah’s a hit at Dyke Yaxley

Jun 14, 2013 | Uncategorized

A Shrewsbury accountancy firm have been so impressed by their latest Apprentice they’ve promoted her to a new role.

Hannah Brathwaite joined Dyke Yaxley Chartered Accountants, in Old Potts Way, as an Apprentice Administration Assistant – the first time the company had created such a position.

And now, after just nine months, she has been appointed to the Corporate Secretarial Team.

Managing Director, Laurie Riley, said: “We worked with County Training to develop a targeted role description and supportive training programme, and Hannah was the best candidate by far.

“She has fully embraced the training on offer – the majority of which takes place on the job – and has successfully completed all the modules she’s been given.

“Hannah has picked up the skills required very quickly and has established herself as a major asset to our team. She will, without doubt, be the benchmark for any other admin apprentices we appoint in the future.”

Hannah, who has previously worked for Jones Bookmakers, studied for her Accountancy Level 3 qualification at Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology.

“I couldn’t have picked a better company than Dyke Yaxley as a place to do my apprenticeship.

“I have all the help, support and motivation I need to complete my studies without being treated as ‘the apprentice’.

“My goal now is to progress still further to more senior roles within the company and to continue to exceed everyone’s expectations in the role I am in.”

Dyke Yaxley has a long and proud track record of appointing apprentices – many have worked their way through the company to hold senior pivotal positions.

In all, 25 of the company’s staff started as trainees and worked their way up – seen going right through to Director level.  They currently have five staff at apprentice level and another five taking exams towards becoming qualified accountants.

Dyke Yaxley’s Hannah Brathwaite

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