How will the 2015 Autumn Statement affect you and your business?

Nov 26, 2015 | Uncategorized

Please read our guide to the Chancellor’s 2015 Autumn Statement.

Our summary offers an overview of the key business, tax and financial measures announced in the Autumn Statement which could affect you and your business. 

Major announcements include the reversal of cuts to tax credits, the introduction of a new 3% stamp duty surcharge for buy-to-let properties and second homes, and an extension of the doubling of small business rate relief for a further year.

For tailored advice on any of the topics covered within the Autumn Statement, and how they may have an impact on your business or personal finances, please call us on 01743 241281.

We offer far more than traditional tax and compliance services, and can advise on a range of strategies to minimise your tax bill, improve profits and maximise your personal wealth.

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