Jess joins the Dyke Yaxley Team

Jun 3, 2015 | Uncategorized

We welcome a new face to our Marketing Team, Jess Fan has joined us as a Marketing Assistant, and she will be working closely with the firm’s experts to raise the Dyke Yaxley profile even further.

“Everywhere I’ve worked so far has given me the opportunity to gain valuable experience in order to progress my marketing career, and I’m delighted to have joined such a well-respected and forward-thinking firm as Dyke Yaxley,” said Jess.

“My aim is to make a positive impact on the company and help with its social media campaigns in order to keep the firm’s profile at the forefront of people’s minds when it comes to accountancy advice.

“I’ll also be working on general marketing campaigns including events, client seminars, and company presentations to help support the company’s promotional efforts.”

Jess has previously worked in search engine optimisation online and as a marketing executive for an IT company. She was educated at the Charlton School and Wrekin College in Wellington, before moving on to Keele University.

Dyke Yaxley Managing Director, Laurie Riley, said: “We’re very pleased to welcome Jess to our team, and we’re sure her vast knowledge of social media and online communication will prove invaluable in the coming months.

“We believe it’s vital that Dyke Yaxley stays ahead of its competitors and that we explore every opportunity to promote our services to the widest possible audience.

“Jess has already settled in extremely well, and we’re looking forward to her input when it comes to developing our future marketing strategies and campaigns.”

Jess Fan, Marketing Assistant

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