Overseas team has senior support

Jun 27, 2017 | Uncategorized

Tatiana Ten has now joined Dyke Yaxley Chartered Accountants, in Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury, and she will be working alongside the firm’s USA team which is based in Cleveland, Ohio.

She has worked in accountancy for over 20 years – nine in Russia and 13 in the UK, and joins Dyke Yaxley after working for a neighbouring Shropshire company for the last three years.


“I will be working alongside the Dyke Yaxley US team and will be responsible for tax preparations and providing clients with tax advice, so I’m really looking forward to an exciting new challenge,” said Tatiana.


The DY USA office supports a portfolio of corporate and individual clients who need both UK and/or USA tax or accounting advice.



Led by Rob Whittall, who is a director of Dyke Yaxley who splits his time between the UK and the USA, the American office has gone from strength to strength since its launch just over six years ago.


“Many of our corporate clients are UK companies who are looking to expand into the US, and we work with them to help translate the way the US tax and accountancy systems are run,” said Mr Whittall.


“This means companies don’t have to give up their existing accountancy support here at him, as we can work with their representatives and help them manage the transition as they take their first steps overseas. We’re delighted to welcome Tatiana to our US team as her knowledge will prove invaluable in terms of building on the already strong foundations we have in place.”


Dyke Yaxley USA also works with US residents who live here in the UK as they often need to complete tax returns in both countries.


“We work with US residents living here in the UK as they are always required to file a US tax return, no matter where they are living in the world,” said Mr Whittall. “As the UK and US have different tax year ends, we have to work with both systems to try to minimise the amount of tax people have to pay and maximise their ability to use foreign tax credits.”




Tatiana Ten is the new Tax Consultant for Dyke Yaxley’s USA team










































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