More than 1 in 4 employees on furlough

Jun 10, 2020

More than 8.9 million employees in the UK are covered by the Government's furlough scheme, according to the Treasury.

The figure equates to around a quarter of the UK's total workforce and has cost £19.6 billion up to 7 June 2020.

The furlough scheme was brought in to mitigate the effects of coronavirus, enabling employees to receive 80% of their monthly salary up to £2,500.

The scheme has been extended until 31 October 2020, but only workers who have been furloughed between 1 March and 30 June are eligible.

A similar income support programme for self-employed workers has seen 2.6m claims made worth £7.5bn.

The self-employed income support scheme pays out a lump sum covering three months and is worth up to 80% of trading profits.

Self-employed workers can continue to apply for these grants until 13 July 2020, before a "second and final" round of support opens in August.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak hinted last week that a "fiscal event" could be held in early July to set the UK economy on course for a post-coronavirus recovery.

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