Sweet tooth pays off for charity

Oct 4, 2016 | Uncategorized

Our Fundraising Team recently organised a traditional “guess the number of sweets in a jar” competition and raised £60, following hot on the heels of our DY Deli Day, where colleagues baked savoury treats and sold them to raise over £80 for our two charities.

Our Marketing Co-Ordinator, Jackie Young said:  “Every year we choose two charity causes to support and then organise as many fundraising events as we can.

“This year we’re supporting Severn Hospice and the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, and so far we’ve had some very generous donations as well as a great response to our charity challenges.

“We’ve noticed too that it’s the cake sale events that get the greatest support as we’re all very keen on trying out each others creations – no doubt there will be more cake-related events as we go through the rest of our charity year.”

Our Fundraising Team have organised all kind of events including a poker night, a quiz night, a badminton tournament, Christmas jumper day, and a raffle with a giant Easter egg as the top prize.

Everyone has been so generous with their time and their support, and we’re just very grateful that our efforts motivate so many people to contribute towards our fundraising total.” 

Last year we raised a total of just over £3,300 which was split equally between The Harry Johnson Trust and the Shropshire branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Winner Client Manager David Lloyd receives his prize from Receptionist Sandra Evans who donated the jar of sweets


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