The Chancellor’s 2014 Budget

Mar 20, 2014 | Uncategorized

This year’s Budget speech was preceded by a series of positive economic reports, suggesting an increase in confidence among UK businesses and consumers. However, with the deficit remaining higher than originally forecast, the Government has maintained its steadfast approach to the austerity programme, while remaining keen to highlight its aim of boosting the economy and supporting businesses.

Our special Budget Report provides a summary of the principal announcements – both the ‘headline-grabbers’ and the less-publicised changes that are most likely to affect your business or your personal finances.  The speech made by the Chancellor to the House of Commons covers only a small percentage of the legislation introduced at the Budget – the majority of the new rules and regulations actually appear in the HM Revenue & Customs and Treasury Department press releases. Our guide uncovers some of these key measures.

Throughout the Report you will also find some tips and ideas for effective tax and financial planning, as well as a handy Tax Calendar for 2014/15.

Remember, as well as ensuring that your accounts are prompt and compliant, we can help you to maximise your profitability and minimise your tax liability.

If you would like more detailed, one-to-one advice on any of the issues raised by the Budget, please do call uson 01743 241281.

The Budget Report 2014


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