Raising finance

In recent years, access to funding has been regarded as extremely difficult. We have strong relationships with financiers and banks so we can point clients in the right direction when it comes to fundraising.

If the case is viable, we can help our clients prepare suitable funding applications in a way that demonstrates the key elements funders are looking for.

Through our experienced team, we have a depth in knowledge of putting deals together, bringing a number of sources of finance together to achieve clients objectives.

The purposes of the funding could be any of the following plus many more:

  • Property purchase
  • Increased working capital requirement
  • Funding growth and expansion
  • Management buy-outs or buying another business.

Dyke Yaxley are also the only locally-based practice to be part of The Corporate Finance Network, which specialises in raising finance for businesses, and offers advice on buying or selling companies, so as members we are able to use our expertise to help business owners secure the right deal for them.

As part of our CFN membership we are also an accredited member of the Association of Crowdfunding Experts.

Need further information

If you would like some additional advice about our services, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Please call Mark Bramall or Sarah Hartshorn on 01743 241281 or email mark.bramall@dykeyaxley.co.uk or sarah.hartshorn@dykeyaxley.co.uk.

Meet the experts

Cian Iddison

Cian Iddison

Business Advisory Senior


Mark Bramall

Mark Bramall



Sarah Hartshorn

