Dyke Yaxley’s Charity bike ride

Jul 30, 2019 | Uncategorized

On the 21 July Dyke Yaxley arranged a charity bike ride.

The weather was great for cycling the group took a route led by Client Manager Matthew Orange through Telford and then the group took a route through scenic Shrewsbury.

There was a bit of a climb through Wrockwardine which got everyone’s heartrate up, but the downhills were worth the climb!

The bike ride raised a total of £60 for our chosen charity’s Sands and The Harry Johnson trust.

Well done team Dyke Yaxley!

Dyke Yaxley Charity bike ride

Pictured outside of Dyke Yaxley’s Shrewsbury Office from the right Lauren Gorman, Jenna Gorman, Rhian Jarvis and Matthew Orange.

The Dyke Yaxley team were also joined by Sam Lakin from Kingsand Wealth Management.

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