Dyke Yaxley’s Charity Netball Match

Feb 21, 2020 | Uncategorized

Dyke Yaxley arranged a Charity Netball Match on the 20th of February at Wrekin College to raise money for our two chosen charity’s The Harry Johnson Trust and Sands.

The game was umpired by Sarah Crane, who did not miss a beat when it came to playing by the rules. The two teams were captained by netball experts Dani Shimmons and Cauren Taylor. We had many employees from Dyke Yaxley taking part and we were also joined by players from Henshalls and Kingsland Wealth Management. Lauren Gorman picked the teams at random to make sure we had a good mix of experts and beginners.

The game was very fast paced with Dani’s team off to a flying start!

We then had a little break to fully enjoy Jenna Woolley’s and Natasha Eveson’s home made cookies and flapjack’s that they kindly baked for the event – they gave us all a lot of energy for the second half.

The second half of the game saw both team’s put up a really good fight, with the game ending with Cauren’s team really pushing forward and winning by 7-5!

Cauren’s team graciously accepted their trophy despite winning bragging rights, until next year of course!

In total we raised £50 for The Harry Johnson Trust and Sands.

Well done to all the players and thank you to all the supporters who came to watch!

group photo of the netball players

Pictured above are: Dave (Henshalls) , Ross, Allan, Hayley, Dani, Lucy, Cauren, Jenna, Sam (Kingsland Wealth Management), Alan, Mark, Sarah, Anneka, Lauren, Chloe, Hannah.

The winning team pictured below

the winning netball team



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