Fundraising in the name of love

Feb 15, 2018 | Uncategorized


Staff from DY have taken part in a fundraising event in support of two local charities.



Here at Dyke Yaxley, we choose two charity causes every year and take part in a whole host of fundraising events to bring in much needed cash.


And this year our chosen charities for 2017/18 are Midlands Air Ambulance Charity and Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire Blood Bikes.



Our Marketing Co-ordinator, Jackie Young, who leads our fundraising efforts, said our latest activity was a Valentine’s themed bake sale.



“We raised over £80 by baking and selling a huge selection of Valentine’s themed cakes, cupcakes and biscuits, and everyone really entered into the spirit of the theme with some amazing love-felt creations.”


Our team isn’t stopping there either – we have a quiz night planned for March where teams from companies all over the Shrewsbury area will take part.


Jackie said, “We can’t wait to see some familiar faces at the quiz night in March, it always has such a great turn out and we always raise a fantastic sum of money for our charities.”



Dyke Yaxley is renowned for its support for local causes and every year our team takes part in all kinds of activities including a poker night, quiz night, several cake and savoury sales, a rounders tournament, Christmas jumper day, a Christmas present wrapping service, and a range of other events.


“Everyone is always so generous with their time and their support, and we’re just very grateful that our efforts encourage so many people to contribute towards our fundraising total.”


This year’s fundraising efforts follow hot on the heels of our team’s success last year when we raised almost £4,000 which was split between the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and Severn Hospice.


For more information about the charity work and events Dyke Yaxley hold please visit, or follow us on Twitter @dyke_yaxley .


Image: Valentines bakes made by Dyke Yaxley staff.

Pictured with the bakes are (from left to right) Dani Shimmons, Monika Fogarasi and Sarah Crane.


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