Charity Football Dinner

Oct 11, 2019 | Uncategorized

On the 3 October Former Shrewsbury Town stalwart, David Moyes, was the guest speaker at the dinner co-hosted by ourselves and Kingsland Wealth Management at the Montgomery Waters Meadow in Oteley Road.

He was interviewed by our former marketing manager, Hazel Ruscoe, and spoke about his time at the Riverside Meadow, as well as his managerial stints at Everton, Manchester United, Real Sociedad, Sunderland and West Ham.

David is now a League Managers Association ambassador – an organisation which Dyke Yaxley and Kingsland Wealth work closely with as they handle its accountancy and financial services requirements and other professional services.

Our Managing Director, Marie Bramwell, said: “It was a real pleasure to hear from David about his career, particularly the stories he had to tell about his time at Shrewsbury Town. And our guests thoroughly enjoyed the question and answer session on the night where they had the chance to speak to David directly about his footballing career and the ups and downs of the game.”

We organised the dinner to raise funds for our two chosen charities for the year – The Harry Johnson Trust and SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity).

“It was a really successful evening and we are delighted to have raised over £1,800 thanks to the generosity of our guests,” said Marie. 

As part of the evening, there was also a silent auction for a 2018/19 Manchester City Domestic Treble Winner shirt signed by Pep Guardiola, which was donated by the League Managers’ Association.


The Harry Johnson Trust was established in November 2014 following the death of seven-year-old Harry in July of that year. He died following a nine-month fight with Double Hit Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The Trust offers help and support to children and teenagers who receive care from the Oncology Team at The Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.



SANDS is a national UK charity that provides support to anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby.


Adrain Key and Marie Brmwell with David Moyes


Pictured from the left Dyke Yaxley’s Adrian Key and Maire Bramwell with David Moyes.


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